Seeing that there are multiple people around the globe that need all kinds of support and knowning that there are a plethora of ways to help them. Humans in need deserve just about as much as we do, the support and care that we have or want, I want to be able to give that to thems. To help anyone you do not need to go around the world, searching, or have a plethora of cash to pay, by just working in a hosipital, very big or very small, I are helping those who come to. I want to be the one they seek for when they have an injury that needs to be wrapped or just for a simple check-up.
While back ago, in secondary school, I came across the idea of designing through a technological device. it seemed like a cool way to entertain myself, so I downloaded a few apps to practice. When it was time to transition into middle school, I signed up for a magnet school, Miami Arts Studio. I soon got the letter and found out I got in. My interest for digital design grew bigger over time and I learned more and more each day. Its now two years later and I love drawing digitally and desgining websites, just like this one.
I went to Joe Hall elementary for grade school and throughout my last year there I started applying for schools to transfer into secondary. I apply to a magent school into the technological production magnet and soon got in. I started playing around with different editing apps so i'd be prepare when I got in. Althouigh I wasnt the best at it, I did love editing. in fifthe grade i finally recieved the e-mail accepting me into Miami Arts Studio and with that I entered into the magnet school the following year.